
Welcome to the Domina Finishing School, where we offer an unparalleled educational experience in BDSM for professional Dominatrixes, amateur Dominas, and novices alike. Our mission is to empower Berlin sex workers and amateur kinksters through comprehensive instruction in BDSM skills, psychology, and conceptual frameworks.

Led by a FLINTA collective of queer intersectional women, we take pride in our commitment to providing a curriculum founded on queer theory, intersectionality, and trauma-informed methodologies. We understand that true empowerment stems from a deep understanding of oneself and others, which is why our approach is designed to foster a safe and inclusive space where individuals can explore and embrace their dominant identities with confidence and respect.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery as we redefine and reclaim power dynamics, paving the way for a more compassionate and progressive future in BDSM education. Together, we will chart a course towards a more equitable and enlightened future, one where the art of domination serves as a catalyst for personal growth, social change, and collective liberation.


The Workshops are open to all FLINTA (Women, Lesbians, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, or Agender People). The lessons are open as well to queer men. They are particularly geared towards:

• Dominatrixes seeking to enhance their earning potential through mastering new techniques, as well as Sex Workers transitioning into the role of Dominatrixes.

Women and other FLINTA exploring the realm of dominance for the first time

Couples desiring to deepen their dynamic by honing their skills in D/s

Amateur Kinksters learning new BDSM skills in a safe, considered environment with a professional guide

Advanced Kinksters seeking to cultivate psychological safety as they venture into more intense forms of BDSM play, including sadistic scenarios, consensual non-consent (CNC), psychological sadism, or risk-aware scenes.


Our team brings a wealth of expertise, passion, and lived experience to the forefront. Their diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets enrich the learning experience, ensuring that every student receives comprehensive and holistic instruction tailored to their unique journey. Beyond their formidable skills in the realm of BDSM, they are compassionate mentors, staunch advocates, and trailblazers in the Berlin kink scene, shaping the future of BDSM education and advocacy one whip crack at a time. 


Mistress Kill
Model, Site Design

Learning from Ms. Kill was truly a transformative experience. She not only made learning enjoyable but also painted a holistic picture of the needs and possibilities of the body.

By Allegra A. / Student

Miss Kill's hands-on teaching style made each session engaging, and I appreciated how she fostered a safe environment for me and the models. Highly recommend studying with her whether you’re a pro Domme or just curious to learn more.

By Allegra A. / Student

My experience with A Girl Called Kill was very positive, welcoming and informing. She introduced me to new tools and knowledge that I hadn’t known about beforehand. Being able to put what I learned into play with hands on practice gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself as a Domme in training!

By Dx Wolf / Dominatrix in Training

Professorin Kill

A Girl Called Kill, or Mistress Kill, is a luminary in the realm of BDSM education, drawing from over a decade of immersive experience as a Domina and Educatrix. Her journey began growing up within the vibrant tapestry of a progressive, queer, and kinky feminist collective in the California Bay Area where she honed her craft in the intricate artistries of ropework, pain, and psychological sadism – with a keen emphasis on consent and risk-aware safety protocols. It was within this nurturing environment that Mistress Kill cultivated her understanding of the transformative power possible in BDSM dynamics—a power that can be a beacon of empowerment. She emerged not only as a practitioner but as a trailblazing educator, dedicated to nurturing a culture of empowerment and inclusivity.

Arriving in Berlin in 2014, Mistress Kill set off on a path of both practice and education, and In 2017, upon request, she began teaching formal private BDSM lessons. With a primary clientele of professional Dominatrixes, and recognising the need for a more structured and comprehensive approach to BDSM education, Mistress Kill founded the Dominatrix Finishing School in 2019. In 2022, it became the Domina Finishing School in order to include amateurs who are just starting on their journeys or have non-professional aspirations. Presently, she holds the dual roles of a Dominatrix and Educatrix, a result of her commitment to both the art and pedagogy of BDSM.

As a lesbian and a transgender person, A Girl Called Kill brings a deeply personal understanding of the intricacies of identity, sexuality, and the human experience to her practice, and teaches with a queer-inclusive mindset towards identity, minds, and bodies. In a world often fraught with misunderstanding and stigma, she endeavours to create a sanctuary where individuals can explore their desires, shed societal constraints, and embrace the full spectrum of their authentic selves. Students are not only taught the technical intricacies of bondage, sadism, and Dominance, but are guided on a journey of introspection and growth. Central to Mistress Kill’s philosophy is the notion of BDSM as a means of transcending societal norms and forging deep, authentic bonds—with themselves, with their partners, and with the broader community. 

Through the Domina Finishing School, Mistress Kill endeavours to propel the BDSM community in Berlin beyond the conventional boundaries of the heteronormative mainstream and beyond third-wave feminism, to embrace a fourth-wave ethos that celebrates a spectrum of genders, sexualities, and queer perspectives. The Domina Finishing School serves as a heated cauldron for this evolution that seeks to dismantle outdated notions and forge a new era from that crucible.



Sliding Scale Prices

Individual Lessons
100-150€ / 2hrs

Sliding Scale, choose your own price.

Student Discount
75€ / 2hrs

If you are underemployed, full time student, or struggling for any reason, available without question or explanation.

Sponsored Lessons
50€ / 2hrs

I am able to offer some further discounted classes for trans folks, refugees, and intersectional minorities. These classes are in part sponsored by other students. We will find something that suits you.


If you are taking a Domina class in a subject that requires a model to practice on, Miss Kill will provide a FLINTA bdsm model for you to practice tying/whipping etc. The model is paid 50€ additional to the lesson cost.

Couples Classes
75€ each (150€ total) / 2hrs

One of you will be the student, and one of you will be the model. If you would both like to play both roles, you can book back to back sessions

Group Classes
60€ per person / 2hrs

Learn with your friends! You can all be students or you can trade off modeling for eachother. 4 students max.

20-40€ per person / 2hrs

Group Workshops are taught on a monthly basis and typically involve 15 students.


Who are the lessons for?

Our classes are designed to accommodate a diverse range of students, each with their own unique interests and goals in the realm of BDSM. Whether you're a seasoned Dominatrix looking to refine your skills, a novice exploring dominance for the first time in a secure environment, a couple seeking to deepen your dynamic through D/s exploration, or an advanced kinkster eager to venture into more intense forms of BDSM play, our curriculum caters to your needs. Guided by seasoned professionals, our classes provide a supportive and informative space for students of all backgrounds and experience levels to learn, grow, and thrive.

When is the next lesson?

Private lessons are scheduled individually and take place every week. To book your lesson, simply visit our booking page and choose a date that works for you.

Additionally, our dynamic Psychological Skills and Conceptual Frameworks Lessons are accessible through video chat sessions, offering flexibility for students who are not based in Berlin or prefer remote learning options. Whether you're in Berlin or anywhere else in the world, our flexible approach ensures that you can access quality BDSM education that fits your schedule and lifestyle.

Workshops Take place bi-weekly, and you can check when the next on is by going here.

Where are the lessons taught?

Our lessons take place in two distinct locations in Berlin to cater to different preferences and needs. Private lessons are conducted at the Domina Studio in Weisensee, providing a discreet and intimate setting for personalized instruction.

Our workshops are held at Another Country Bookstore in Bergmannkiez, offering a more communal atmosphere for group learning and exploration. Both venues are carefully selected to ensure a safe, comfortable, and conducive environment for participants to engage in feminist BDSM education and practice.

What if I’m not in Berlin?

While Physical Skills Lessons are conducted in-studio, our dynamic Psychological Skills and Conceptual Frameworks Lessons are accessible through video chat sessions. These online lessons are thoughtfully designed to replicate the interactive and engaging experience of our in-person lessons, with a blend of engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and personalized coaching, providing you with the tools and confidence to excel in your journey.

Whether you’re based in Berlin or traversing the globe, our flexible approach accommodates your lifestyle. Opt for physical lessons in Berlin while supplementing your education with online courses, or embark on an exclusive online learning experience from the comfort of your own space. Join us and unlock your full potential in the art of domination, wherever you may be.

I’m a novice, where do I start?

For individuals new to BDSM, we recommend beginning with one of our Basic Lessons, such as Domina Tapas. This introductory class covers a broad range of topics, providing a comprehensive overview of various aspects of BDSM practice. From understanding foundational concepts to exploring different techniques, Domina Tapas is designed to offer a well-rounded introduction to the world of feminist BDSM. 

If you want a similar class that is geared toward novices who want to become Pro-Dommes, check out Pro-Dominatrix Basics.

I’m already very well versed in BDSM, is there anything here for me?

Certainly! Our school caters to individuals of all experience levels, including those who are already well-versed in BDSM practices. Advanced students can take the advanced classes such as Bondage 103, Impact 104, or Psychological Sadism 103. In addition, we have specialized classes focused on specific fetishes, that allow you to go deeper into an area you may not be familiar with. 

We also offer Conceptual classes which go deep into the underlying physical and mental frameworks. In particular I like to recommend for Advanced Pro-Dommes the lesson: Physiology and Psychology of the Nervous System, Erogenous Zones, subspace, and the Orgasm.

Can I take classes with my partner?

Yes, our classes can be booked by couples who wish to explore BDSM dynamics together. Whether you're looking to deepen your connection with your partner through shared learning experiences or explore new dynamics as a couple, our classes provide a safe and supportive environment for mutual exploration and growth. Couples are welcome to book a session in which the FLINTA partner (Frau, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, Agender) takes on the role of the Domina student, while their partner serves as the model. In the case of cisgender heterosexual couples, we only host lessons in which the woman will be dominating the cis man. 

Can I take a class with friends?

Yes, our classes are not only available for individual participants but can also be booked by thruples or friend groups of 3-5 people seeking to explore BDSM dynamics together. You can take turns practicing on the model, or take turns modelling for each other, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support in your exploration of feminist BDSM practices. Whether you're looking to deepen connections with partners or friends, or simply want to share the experience of learning BDSM together, our classes provide a safe and inclusive space for group exploration and growth.

Photos from the Studio

become a domina

Contact us to take a class or ask a question